
Join Kolkata Association

Dear friends,

You may be realizing that anti-staff policies of the Union Government services are gradually increasing and a process is going on to reduce employment opportunities of a large number of government employees. None of the categories of employees will be spared in near future. Initially higher category executives will be used to reduce subordinates working under them by the process of outsourcing. Then higher officials will be targeted. Outsourcing, privatization, NPS, performance based salary are the indications to reduce our importance. In near future dignified govt. servants will be turned into bonded labours in all categories. Situation will be either do or quit. A section of employees can’t quit because they have already spent their valuable youth in the Department and would find difficult to have another job in competitive field.
In this situation we have to build strong and effective staff association for survival in Govt. services. Unfortunately most of the young guys are not taking interest to strengthen platform of united movement for their rights. Kolkata association has rich history of struggle and effective movements, but some innocent members are misguided by the opportunists and few cunning senior leaders, who had been expelled from the main stream of Kolkata association. Those expelled leaders enjoyed more than two decades in home stations being a member of Kolkata Association and now like to stop repatriation of DAD employees who are serving remote places for more than a decade and counting days year after year.
Now those expelled so called leaders have their only object to be tagged with any association as an agent for own survival from transfers by JCM rights. So they need a committee and members. They are making scapegoats to young DADians to enrol membership and giving them false assurance that they would never be transferred out if tagged with those expelled leaders. It is notable that those senior leaders initially make target to the freshers in cultural arenas especially before a membership month. Innocent freshers are trapped before realising the main stream DAD movement leaded by Kolkata association.  When they realise the truth or their mistakes, they hesitate to join their opposition group. Its my appeal that – except few senior expelled leaders, your door is open for Kolkata Association. We have no enmity with DAD young guys.
Leadership reform has been started in Kolkata Association since January 2015. There was a time that some senior leaders had been enjoying power for own interest without doing any welfare activity. Some had personal contact with DAD higher officials which might have been turned them to ‘BOSS’ like attitude. I am confident that large number of employees do not like it. I am sure that young DADians have capability of good leadership. We the seniors have to make space for them.
You know that some of our ex-senior leaders had to be discarded due to extreme greediness of HQr. posts. While they were thrown out they not only motivated innocent junior leaders to deactivate Kolkata association by legal complexity but continuously did black mail to Kolkata association leadership for their own interest. These types of leaders are burden of any organization. Neither they have ideology nor are they ready to sacrifice for junior and fellow leaders. When we were busy on exchanging Good wishes on the eve of Holi festival, some discarded leaders of Allahabad was busy with defaming the staff organization which once gave them lot in their service life. 
However, AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata leadership now deserve the following qualities.

1.      Social service without expecting any return.
2.      Intensive study on govt. service rules and regulations.
3.      Awareness of contemporary CG employees’ movements.
4.      Ability to convince a mass.
5.      Listen to others patiently.
6.      Respect to Higher Officials.
7.      Proper decorum and dress code in official meet.
8.      Ready to sacrifice any post any time.
9.      Any democratic decision is a leader’s decision.
10.  Self-analysis of own draw backs.
11.  Self- confidence while representing any forum.
12.  Honesty and devotion towards responsibility.

As regard our organization I would like to intimate that now we are one of the affiliates of the largest workers’ union INTUC.
My earnest appeal to all young DAD employees - Do strengthen Kolkata Association for effective welfare in DAD.
My Good wishes,

S.K. Deb Roy
Secretary General

1st April 2016

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