
End of Dispute between HQr. and Allahabad Branch

SK Shukla, Secretary, Allahabad Branch receiving copy of 
Mutual Agreement from S.K. Deb Roy, Secretary General 
in presence of D.K. Mondal, Vice President

A dispute had been created by the Ex-Secretary General and an Ex-member of Allahabad Branch to shut down total functioning of our 90 year old organisation to fulfil their personal interests. An innocent member of Allahabad Branch had been used as puppet to dissolute the staff association. Even an Ex-President and an Ex Finance Secretary both are now retired but were involved to defame the glory of the association. When entire truth came to the lime light, the branch member withdrew the court case on 15.6.2015 for greater interest of the organisation and its members.

I convey my thanks to all well wishers of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata who have taken active initiatives for settlement of the dispute . 

S.K. Deb Roy
Secretary General

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