
Holding of JAC Program by AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata against retrograde recommendation of 7CPC

No. AIDAEA/HQ/7CPC/PRGM/15 dated 12.12.15

All General Secretaries 
& CEC Members,

Dear friends, 

Sri V. Bhattacharjee, Convenor  JAC vide his no. JAC/ Circular -01/2015 Date: 8th December, 2015 intimated that an informal meeting of available representatives of apex level JAC was held on 27th November 2015  in Delhi. The meeting examined the recommendations of the 7CPC in respect Accounts and Audit employees and officers. It was observed that the 7CPC did not consider any of the demands of any of the cadre referred by the Joint Action Committee through its memorandum. The recommendations given are haphazard, confusing and self-contradictory. Instead of recording the recommendations in respect of organized Accounts and IA&AD under a single Chapter like earlier Pay Commissions, the Commission has discussed and made its recommendations in piece meal in diferent Chapters and Paras, many of which are confusing and self-contradictory in nature. 

Under the said situation the meeting took the following decisions :-

1.A Joint Memorandum shall immediately be sent by the Apex JAC to Secretary Department of Expenditure containing the signatures of representatives of all constituents of Apex JAC. 

The undersigned has already sent Memorandum under his signature on behalf of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata.

2. All Constituents of Apex JAC shall forward the Memorandum to their respective heads of the 
Department/organization requesting them to forward the same to the Secretaries Committee and 
implementation cell constituted/ being constituted for examining the recommendations of 7CPC 

The undersigned has already e-mailed the view to The CGDA on behalf of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata.

3. All Branches/ Units/ Circles of Constituents of JAC shall hold Demands day on 15th December 2015 by holding lunch hour demonstration at their respective work spots and submit the Resolution given below. to local Head of Office for onward transmission to higher authorities. 

Hence it is hereby requested to all CEC members and General Secretaries of AIDAEA (HQ) affiliated Branches to hold the above program and send 'Resolution' to the HoD requesting to transmit CGDA.

4. A National Convention of the Accounts and Audit employees and officers organizations shall be 
organized in Hyderabad on 10th January 2016 and all constituents are to mobilize required number of participants from their respective organizations (Details being informed shortly). 

AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata leaders and available members will attend the meet.

With warm greetings, 

(S.K. Deb Roy) 
Secretary General

Copy of Draft Resolution 
(to be given to their respective Head by Br. Units on 10th January,2016). 

This General body meeting of the AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata...............................(name of Branch Association)............................(Station) held today the 15th December2015 records its protest against the retrograde recommendations of 7CPC and urges upon the Government of India to kindly discuss the issues referred by the Staff side National Council JCM and settle those across the table. 

The Meeting also urges upon the authorities to kindly refer the request for following modifications and improvements sought on the recommendations of 7CPC by the Joint Action Committee of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers organizations and make those applicable for the Accounts and Audit employees and Officers working in Organized Accounts and IA&AD. 

1. Accounts/Audit Assistant: The cadre of LDC in the Audit and Accounting formations may be re-designated as Accounts/Audit Assistants and granted the level 4 (Pay Scale of Table 5: Pay Matrix) which is the replacement scale of PB-1 Grade Pay Rs.2400. 

2. Accountant/Auditor :The analysis and recommendation of the 7th CPC in respect of Accountant/Auditor (Para 11.62.15 – Chapter dealing with Indian Audit and Accounts Department) is not rational. It is requested to reject the said recommendation. Accountant/ Auditor/ Junior Accounts Assistants (in Railways) may kindly be granted the replacement pay scale of PB 2 GP 4200 i.e. level 6 (Pay Scale of Table 5Pay Matrix). 

3. Senior Accountant /Auditor : The 7CPC has adopted the most unscientific method to deal with the pay parity issue with the Assistants of Central Secretariat. Assistants of Central Secretariat have been brought down to level 6 in the Pay Matrix and thus settling the parity claims of others. At the same time the Pay protection is allowed to the Assistants already in the G.P. of Rs.4600. This method adopted to negate the claims of pay parity is not rational. Disparity is allowed to continue further by way of Pay Protection. The Senior Accountants/Auditors are claiming higher-grade pay on scientific / historical ground. C&AG and CGA also recommended the higher Grade Pay in his Memorandum to 7th CPC. Appreciating all these facts the Senior Accountants/Auditors / Account Assistants (Railways) should be granted level 7 in the Pay Matrix by treating the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 as replacement pay. 

4. Assistant Accounts Officer:-  It is requested to accept the recommendation of 7 CPC in Para No. 11.12.140 grant of replacement scale of GP 5400(PB-2) i.e. Pay level 9 in the pay matrix to AAOs on completion of four years’ service and extend it to all AAOs working in the Organised Accounts and Audit Departments. 

5. Accounts/Audit/Senior Accounts/Audit Officer:-  Grant following replacement Pay scales to Accounts/ Audit /Sr.Accounts/Audit Officers:- 
• Audit/Accounts Officer/DAO Gr I GP 6600P B3 level 11 pay scale of Table 5.Pay Matrix 
• Sr. Audit/Accounts Officer/DAO (15%) GP 7600 PB 3 level 12 pay scale of Table 5.Pay Matrix 

 Implementation of the 7CPC recommendation in Para 8.9.45 and make different types of  Qualification Pay applicable to all organized accounts cadres and IA&AD cadres uniformly. 

This General Body meeting resolves to forward Resolution to the local Head of the Office for onward transmission to the higher authorities concerned and also to the Convener, apex JAC and Secretary General of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata Association. 

President of the meeting

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