
Untold facts of My associationship

It’s quarter to a year passed that I took charge of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata in an extreme unusual situation. Unfortunately the happenings before sixtieth national conference were not at all coveted. Honestly speaking - none of us had been expected or dreamt such unwanted situation just a year before. It was really a bolt from blue to me. In one side I was not at all ready to take such responsibility. On the other side I was being President (the then) my constitutional hands were tied to take necessary step. Although I had been feeling long that those lots of young and talented guys are ready to take active role in HQr. association but they are disappointed to the performance of top level leadership. They were not getting interest to come frontline leadership due to dirty internal politics and factionalism. I did realize that new generation young men dislike all those things and deserve white color attitude of leadership with courage to solve staff problems by efficient dialogues with the higher Officials. Somehow the then leadership could not fulfill their thoughts rather promoting yes-men. Moreover top leadership making a green room relations with some lower level Administrative Officers for own survival. As a result majority of fellow leaders became disheartened and started to keep themselves away from HQr. office functioning.  Probably to get rid of that entire frustrated situation or for any other intention Ex-Secretary General suddenly put his resignation just before the National Conference. In that SOS situation I had the only object to hold the National meet in time. Since many of our outstation leaders and delegates had their railway and air tickets booked to attend the national conference. Moreover a substantial amount had already been spent for the purpose. Unfortunately some outstation CEC leaders either failed to realize the SOS situation or decided to continue blind-support to the Ex-General at any cost. That was not a matured leadership. However, the outstation leaders who realized the situation did immediate contact with me and rushed into Kolkata to know the factual position. They saw, they judged, they opined that no individual one should be indispensible for a National organization and lets the resignation be accepted. Being a constitutional Head I had no alternative but to accept resignation. Then   I directed all local CEC and host branch leaders of Ichapur to conduct the conference as per schedule. This was also an acid test to the HQr. young leaders to face the challenge since they have to run the organization in near future without our presence. This is the high time to involve them in our national event. I am proud that they proved their efficiency and completed the 60th National Conference successfully. If you go through the present CEC list you will find that there was no intention to discard any other CEC leaders except the person or persons who tried to blackmail the entire organization. In mid-March 2015 when everything became normal a second attempt initiated to disaffiliate the organization from any forum by Ex-Secretary General and others.  The court case was pre-planned and filed just before membership month 2015. Some of our Allahabad leaders were used as puppet to create turmoil. Another attack initiated by our beloved Ex-President (who was once an ex-member of CB Pune association) to destroy Kolkata Association membership during April 2015. He made contact with many branches and suggested to join CB Pune Association. He and one of his Allahabad friend not only published written pamphlets against Kolkata association but made telephonic requests to quit Kolkata association. Yes we lost a notable membership for him. He might be forgotten that we honoured him as President of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata. This taught me a lot in my 32 year association-ship with Kolkata Association only. An ex-CB Pune member never be a true lover of Kolkata Association. I have seen many crest and trough of Kolkata Association but I think this will remain ‘A Black Chapter’ in AIDAEA (HQ) history. The association had to lose a substantial fund for legal purpose as well as members in this year. So we had to say ‘Good Byes’ to those big leaders forever. When a big tree falls, huge soil collapses, saplings are uprooted. Several mini quakes followed after a big earth quake.  After rolling of time everything become normal. However the destructive attempt was foiled at its initial stage. Court case against me withdrawn by the Petitioner on 15th June 2015. During last 9 months I had to spend more than 3 months to settle legal issues and I could not reach my target. Target of our internal reform, rearrangement of HQr. office management have been hampered a lot. However, I and my co-leaders attended 2 Steering Committee and 2 Main JCM meetings at the level of CGDA. In our first meeting i.e 46SCM we mainly stressed over the Repatriation issue. Many have been solved, some are yet to be. Meanwhile formation of DAPB by Supreme Court order makes us very inconvenient to pursue individual transfer and repatriation issues. Most of our issues raised in 47SCM have been solved satisfactorily. I am happy that HQr. is now listening staff problems sincerely and taking necessary measures under periphery of government rules. We have been honored in JCM Workshop at CGDA office. I had the opportunity to deliver speech on JCM functionary. 20 numbers of our fellow leaders witnessed the Workshop on 26th May, 2015. Next time we will send a separate group to attend workshop. We lose some members in Delhi and southern offices, but could open new Branches in Pune, Nalanda, Siliguri. I request my leaders and members to visit our blog and fb group AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata regularly to keep a regular update and let us know your problem through our e mail ID : aidaeakol@gmail.com. Namastey.

SK Deb Roy

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  1. अपनी स्थिति का नाज़ाइज़ फायदा न उठाए
