
Notice for CEC meeting of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata

Established in 1925
10A. S. K. Bose Road,Kolkata-700001
Phone & FAX No. (033)22624179
e-mail : aidaeakol@gmail.com Blog : www.aidaea(hq)kolkata.blogspot.in

Ref. No. DA/HQ/CEC/9/15                                                                 Date: 04-08-2015


This is notified that a Central Executive Committee meeting will be held on Friday, the 4th September, 2015 at 11 AM at KOLKATA to transact the following issues.

            Agenda Points:-

1.     Confirmation of Minutes of the last meeting
2.     Reporting of membership position in various Branch units.
3.     Report on JCM III Meetings by Secy. Genl. & Addl. SG.
4.    Review on present position of the organisation and our objectives.
5.     Any other issue/s under permission of the Chair.

All office Bearers and members of Central Executive Committee must attend the meeting. 



S.K. Deb Roy                                            
Secretary General

N.B. Venue of the meeting will be communicated shortly through this site.Travelling schedule may please be communicated to Shri D.K. Mondal, Vice President (09830141570) and Shri Sondeep Mukherjee, Addl. Secretary General (09477275092). 

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