
47JCM steering meeting - a Report

1.   Of late educated candidates are joining as MTS in DAD. It is fact that due to paucity of staff in many DAD offices, they are utilized for Clerical and Audit jobs. Other posts of the Department have promotional scopes but they are deprived of such benefit. They are continued to serve as MTS with poor salary. It is urged to conduct departmental examination regularly to open promotional avenues for MTS to Clerk/Auditor on the basis of their educational qualification to enrich the Department.

The Chairman and official side were very much considerate to open promotional scope for the educated MTS by Departmental examination. But they are unable to process due to pending decision of Court case at Kolkata filed by some MTS.

2.  Combined seniority list of Promotee Auditors, Direct SSC recruited Auditors and Auditor appointed through player quotas has not been prepared till date. As a result stepping up of pay in respect of promotee Auditor at par with direct recruited Auditor cannot be settled as on or after 1.1.2006. Urged to compile and publish a combined list of seniority. A seniority list of Stenographers may also be published in terms of SSC merit list.
    Official side shown the Combined seniority list of Auditors and Stenographers in CGDA  website and adviced to forward the name of Auditor/s to HQr.,if left out for incorporation.

3. Departmental Examination for Stenographer to be conducted periodically to open promotional avenues for the post.
     Undersigned requested to hold Departmental Exam. for Stenographers. Official side replied that there is no such provision. The Chairman said stenographers can appear SAS examination for their better assignments. However it has been assured to review the matter of Departmental Examination. 

4.  At present AAO onwards can go for deputation to OFB (Finance) Kolkata. Similar opportunity be given to Sr. Auditor having Grade pay of 4200/- and above.

Henceforth SA having Grade Pay 4200/- onwards can go for deputation in OFB (Fin) as and when required.

5.  In the last SAS examination number of qualified candidates has come down to abnormally low. It is urged upon to consider total performance of a candidate and provide grace marks for marginally non-qualified SAS candidates.

Hon'ble Chairman intimated that consideration of Grace marks has been reviewed and is not possible to maintain minimum quality of SAS examination.

6.   Staff representatives of the associations to be included in DAPB for Group B & C. Periodicity of the DAPB meeting should be maintained on frequent intervals in order to clear representation of the pending cases, if any.

The undersigned appealed for inclusion of Association representation in the Board since they are answerable to their staff members regarding parameter of placements. The Chairman assured to review the feasibility.

7.  PCDA/CDA should be empowered to rotate 50% staff and officers in his command as per their policy approved by CGDA. Remaining 50% percent posting should be left open for HQr. for repatriates and new recruits. Provision  of mutual transfer may be adopted.

Undersigned proposed to empower PCDA/CDA to rotate staff in his 50% deficit stations. Remaining 50% deficit may be filled up by HQr. office through repatriation in a particular station. The Chairman replied that PCDA/CDA can now rotate 100% staffs and officers in his command. Staffs and officers are now transferred as per HQr. Transfer policy framed in mid-2014.

8.  Seniority criteria for posting of all DAD officers and staff should be maintained strictly and transparently as per extant rule and be published in advance on website in respect of outstation transfers in any grade to provide preparatory time for settlement of domestic inconveniences.

Undersigned put example where DAPB has not maintained station seniority for home station repatriation and 67.5% recommendation has been cancelled by DAPB after two stage filtration at PCDA/CDA and HQr. office levels. Officials could not intimate parameters of DAPB placements.

9.   Some DAD offices are not releasing staff despite issue of HQr. transfer order which is violation of HQr. Office order. Staff should be immediately released as per HYL transfer list issued by HQr or PCDA/CDA. 

Chairman informed that a circular has been issued to HoDs to release the staff and officers. It has also been decided to publish Yearly list conveniently in lieu of Half Yearly list of transfer.

10. At present PCDA/CDAs are following various policy & criteria for posting in sensitive seats. HQr. may issue clear guidelines for such assignments.

The Chairman intimated that in few commands it is very difficult to maintain the distribution of sensitive seats beside repatriations. Undersigned concurred. However the chairman assured to review the guidelines.

11. ROC members are transferred out violating JCM norms. ROC members are not to be transferred so long they hold the post to maintain continuity of any forum which badly affects staff side performance. It is urged upon to stop such transfer as per JCM norms and reconsidered the cases of transfers.
     The Chairman assured that JCM members will be considered exemption from transfer as per JCM norms.

12. There is no Community Hall in DAD Complex (Banwari) Pune. As a result residents very often use the adjacent ground for family function since apartments are small in size. There is no general notification for usage of the ground. Maintenance is nil. An outstation DAD staff has been recently evicted from his apartment for a small ritual of his new born baby using a corner of the ground. The DAD staff is not getting a suitable accommodation in the costly city. It is urged to consider an accommodation for the individual as a special case.
    The Chairman suggested that individual may appeal direct to the HQr. through grievance portal for consideration if the individual denied justice.

13.  Reply of Association letters and RTI addressed to the Head Quarter and other DAD offices are not received. It is urged to issue circular in this regard to entertain association letters and simultaneously association HQr. office bearers should be given appointment as per Govt. rule.
     Undersigned informed the Hon'ble Chairman that JCM leaders of AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata find difficulty to contact and discuss staff matters with HQr. Administrative Officers either by telephone or by person. Important discussions with the official side before 47th JCM meeting could not be made when provision is there. The Chairman asked whether any provision is there on pre-discussion. Undersigned submitted a copy of CGDA letter in this regard.

14.  Canteen facility in CGDA office urged to improve with good and moderate quality of foods considering status of the office. Canteen staff should be increased in all DAD offices.

Undersigned asked to improve quality of food in CGDA's wet canteen as per HQr. status . Hon'ble Chairman feels that food quality and price are in conformity with HQr. status and opined that staff side may avoid such matter in JCM IIIrd level meeting agendas. 

15.  Conduction of Training for Managerial and Cook categories for DAD wet canteens as DoPT  no. 25/1/2013-Dir. (C) dated 10.7.2015.
     The Official side informed that training program will be conducted as they have also received the DoPT circular.

16.  Abolition of 2nd probation in the same Grade in respect of SAS apprentices as per DoPT norms.
      Official side informed that 2nd probation in the grade is in order as per new govt. rule.
Meeting ended with thanks to Chair.

S.K. Deb Roy 
Secretary General

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