of the
All India Defence Accounts Employees’ Association (HQ)
10A, Sahid Khudiram Bose Road , Kolkata – 700 001
Rule 1
These Rules shall be called the “Rules of the All India Defence Accounts Employees’ Association” hereinafter referred to as “ The Rules”.
Rule 2
(a)The name of the Association stall be “All India Defence Accounts Employees’ Association hereinafter called “The Association”.
(b) The head Quarters of the Association shall normally be in the Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts (Factories) Kolkata.
Rule 3
The Motto of the Association shall be “Solidarity Strength and Service”.
Rule 4
(a) To form a representative body to do the needful in dealing with the matter relating to and in the service interests and general welfare of its members.
(b) To promote social intercourse and co-operation among its members.
(c) To take steps for the advancement of departmental knowledge of its members.
(d) To open Branch Association at different stations in India .
Rule 5
(a) All the Non-gazetted employees’ of the Defence Accounts Department enjoying primary membership of any of the Association’s Branch Association shall be its members provided they sign the membership Registers subscription regularly.
The section officers redesignated as Assistant Accounts Officers graded as Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officer’s may also become the members of the Association and pay Regular Subscriptions to the Association/or retain their membership.
Note (1) AAOs shall have no right to nomination/representation in any forum of JCM as per decision of the Govt. of India.
(b) The executive Committee may grant direct membership of the Association to any otherwise eligible Defence Accounts Employees in such circumstances, which according to the Executive Committee, are exceptional.
(c) Membership shall commence from the date of payment of the first installment of subscription.
(d) Membership shall cease from the date :-
(i) of acceptance of resignation tendered in writing;
(ii) after non-payment of continuous six months subscription;
(iii) of expulsion under disciplinary measures.
Rule 6
The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March (as amended vide Govt. of India DOP&T’s No. 2/5/94-JCA dt. 27.07.1994).
Rule 7
(a) The rate of subscription to be fixed by the Branch Associations per member per year shall be recovered through pay rolls.
(b) All branches are liable for payment of Rupees Ten per member per year as levy to the Head Quarter Association before the end of financial year i.e 31st March.
(c) A direct member shall pay an amount of Rupees Twenty five to the Head Quarter Association through pay-roll before the end of financial year i.e. 31st March.
[The rate of subscription shall be two rupees per member per year payable by the Branch Associations in two installments – the first in the first quarter and the second in the third quarter of the financial year of the Association. A direct member shall pay to the Association an annual subscription of rupees three payable in the first quarter of the financial year of the Association.] (Amended in terms of DOPT &Ts OM No 2/5/94 JCA of 27/07/94)
Rule 8
(a) Any Branch Association formed in any office of the Defence Accounts Department or in any Station covering more than one DAD Offices may be allowed to be affiliated to the Association on their written application, declaring allegiance to the Rules that may from time to time be made by the Association. An amount of Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty) shall be paid as Affiliation Fee by a Branch Association with the application for affiliation.
(b) The Branch Association shall hold general meeting every two years and send the proceedings of its statement of accounts to the Association along with the names of its Executive Committee elected and also the total number of it effective members. The Branch Executive Committee should also hold Annual General Meeting every year after March to pass the Receipt & Expenditure Account for approval by the members.
(c) In case of grievances of staff requiring representation to the CGDA or to any other higher authority, the Branch Association shall send a brief history of the case along with a copy of the resolution adopted in its meeting or any memorandum to the Association for necessary action and in no case they shall communicate anything to the higher authorities direct except where permitted or advised by the Association. In cases of grievances of members and in cases of grievances arising out of any violation of the standing rules and regulations of the department by the authorities, the Branch Association may represent to the CDA concerned directly. In every such case the Branch Association shall simultaneously communicate the brief history of the case and resolution thereon to the Association where the necessity of further action by the association may arise.
(d) The executive Committee of the Association reserves the right of disaffiliating any Branch Association if the later acts or tends to act against the provision of the Constitution of the Association and any specific stand taken by the Association. In case of difference of opinion or views on any stand taken by the Association, Branch Association stall not ventilate or propagate such differences which stall be settled with the Association through discussion or / and correspondences and the differences still remaining unsettled shall be decided in the conference or special conference.
(e) As regards interpretation of any Rule, the ruling of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be binding upon the Branch Association.
(f) Any programme of action or directive issued by the Association to Branch Association shall be implemented by the Branch Association; and in case of any non-implementation, a report explaining the reasons thereof shall be immediately sent to the Executive Committee of the Association, and under any circumstances, no alternative programme shall be implemented in lieu of one issued by the Association on any issue.
(g) Every Branch Associationmust have its own constitution approved by the Central Executive Committee. Model Constitution shall be supplied by the Central Executive Committee on cost as fixed time to time. Any subsequent amendment also shall be approved in the same manner. Executive Committee of any Branch Association shall consist of not more than Fifteen members including Office-bearers.
(h) Three or more Branch Association’s in any station and adjacent area may form a Co-ordination Committee with the prior approval of the Executive Committee for the purpose of Coordinating their organisational activity such as implementation of joint programme and movements; formulating demands on issue common to local Associations’ members, etc.etc. Decisions of the Co-ordination Committee, if on local issues, shall be implemented by the local Association by taking action at their respective appropriate levels, officials or organizational, and on issues common to other stations, the Co-ordination Committee may directly send its decisions to the Association for appropriate action. In no case a Co-ordination Committee shall take up any issue directly with the departmental authorities at any level.
Rule 9
(a) (i) Executive Committee : The Executive Committee of the Association, hereinafter called “The Committee”, consisting of 33 (thirty three) members as detailed below shall be elected by the Delegates in the Conference/Annual General Meeting by raising hands or by Secret Ballot as decided by the Delegates.
President – (One)
Vice-President – (Five)
Secretary General – (One)
Additional Secretary General – (One)
Assistant Secretary General – I
Assistant Secretary General –II
Assistant Secretary General –III (South, West & Central Zone)
Assistant Secretary General – IV ( North & Eastern Zone)
Assistant Secretary General – V (Delhi & New Delhi Zone)
Office Secretary – One
Finance Secretary – One
Zonal Secretary (South) – (Andhra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
Zonal Secretary (North) – (U.P, Uttaranchal, Delhi, East Punjab, J & K Hills, Himachal Pradesh)
Zonal Secretary (Central) – (M.P. only)
Zonal Secretary (West) – (Maharastra, Gujrat and Rajasthan)
Zonal Secretary (East) – (Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Manipur & Maghalaya etc.)
Members – Thirteen
(ii) The names of the Thirty three candidates seeking election to the Executive Committee including all the posts of the Office bearers and the members shall be proposed and seconded by some of the delegates present in the conference/Annual General Meeting in the form of panels only and one vote for one panel will be recorded by each delegate. If any candidate seeking election is absent in the conference/Annual General Meeting, his written consent shall be obtained by the Delegate while proposing his name.
(iii) In the absence any panel, the delegates to the conference/Annual General Meeting shall elect one amongst them as the Returning Officer to whom fresh panel(s) may be submitted by the delegates duly proposed and seconded for election. The Returning Officer, then shall hold the election in the Conference according to time schedule and programme fixed by him.
(iv) In the case of withdrawal of any name(s) from submitted panel(s) the proposers of such panel may either withdraw the panel(s) or include fresh name(s) in place of the withdrawn name(s) in their respective panels. No candidate who has withdrawn his name from any submitted panel, shall be included in any other panel/panels.
(b) Auditor : An Auditor shall be elected by the Delegates in the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
(c) General Body : The General body of the Association shall consist of all ordinary members of the Association having primary Membership of the Branch Association.
(d) An office bearer and member of Central and Branch Executive Committee should have a fixed term not exceeding Two years and if elections are not held within three month of expiry of the period the office bearer and members should cease to be duly elected representative of an Association.
(This clause added in term of DOP&Ts OM No.2/5/94-JCA dt 27.07.94)
Rule 10
(a) Conference: The Conference is the supreme authority in all matters and its decision is final and binding on all concerned.
(b) Executive Committee :
(i) The General Management and the management of the day to day administration of the Association shall rest in the Executive Committee.
(ii) The Committee shall take decisions and appoint Sub-committees as and when necessary.
(iii) The Committee shall have powers to incur expenditure as far as possible within the provision of the budget. In the case of excess over the budget provision on any item, the amount is required to be post sanctioned by the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
(iv) The committee shall grant affiliation to applicant Branch Association and direct membership to any applicant employee as per Rule 5(b).
(v) The Committee shall nominate representative to the staff side of the JCM.
(vi) The committee shall have right to take any appropriate disciplinary action against any member in the event of :
(1) Such member found acting against the provisions of the Rules or any specific stand taken by the Association;
(2) Gross misconduct of such member after full consideration of the charges and the defence if rendered in writing.
(3) In case of expulsion from membership the Committee shall submit the case in the Conference/Annual General Meeting for ratification of its such action.
(vii) The Committee shall have the right to dissolve the Executive Committee of any Branch Association if the said Executive Committee remains inactive or proves inefficient or indisciplined or if it is internally disunited owing to factionalism and to appoint an ad-hoc Committee in its place for one month and send one representative to conduct the re-election of the Executive Committee of that Branch Association within the specific period.
(viii) The Committee shall be the final authority in the matter of interpretation of Rules of the Association.
(ix) Membership of the Committee shall cease from the date :
(1) of acceptance of resignation tendered in writing,
(2) of expulsion under disciplinary measures,
(3) of at least absence on three consecutive meeting of the Committee without any report or valid reason,
(4) or leave the post without notice.
(x) in case of vacancies due to circumstances stated-in above the Committee shall fill the vacancy by co-option.
Rule 11
(a) Ordinary Member : It shall be the duty of every member to exercise an honorable interest in the work of the Association and to regulate his conduct with the Association, with the public and with his fellow members in accordance with the aims and objects of the Association.
(b) Executive Committee Member :
(i) He shall attend all committee meetings. He shall take active interest in day to day affairs of the Association and functioning of Committee. He shall keep himself well informed about all the developments in respect of Association and of the Defence Accounts Department and shall maintain close living link with the ordinary members.
(ii) PRESIDENT : The President shall generally look after the affairs of the Association and shall preside at every meeting at any level of the Association. He shall have the power to deal with any point of order and shall be the sole interpreter of the rules governing such meetings and his ruling on all points shall be final and binding on all. He may participate in all important talks and interviews at his discretion. He shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.
(iii) VICE-PRESIDENT: Any of the Vice Presidents available shall act on behalf and have the responsibilities of the President in his absence.
(iv) SECRETARY GENERAL : The Secretary General shall be responsible to the Committee and shall act under its general directions. In case of emergency, and in the matter where necessary, he may act on his own initiative with the consent of the president if available subject to approval of such actions by the Committee at its next meeting. The Secretary General shall represent the Committee in any interview, meeting or talks with the authorities or other bodies, and if necessary along with the President and any other member or members as decided by the Committee.
He shall sign all monthly receipts and payments account maintained by the Finance Secretary in the Cash Book. He shall prepare a Report for presentation in the Conference/Annual General meeting. He shall prepare agenda of all sorts of meetings, call the meetings of the Committee and the Conference/Annual General Meeting and finalize venue for the same in due consultation with the President. He shall be responsible for drafting all letters except on routine nature and all letters, appeals and circulars will be issued under his signature. All important letters dealing with policies drafted by the Secretary General should be approved by the Committee or by the president before issue. He shall hold an imprest of Rs.50/-. The President and the Secretary General shall always be the official spokesmen of the Association.
(v) ADDITIONAL SECRETARY GENERAL: He shall act and enjoy the power of the Secretary General during his absence. He shall render all possible help and co-operation to the Secretary General in matters of organizational policies. He shall collect the organizational report from the Zonal Secretaries from time to time and place the same in the Central Executive Committee Meeting for discussion and review.
“The powers of Additional Secretary General should be restricted to the organizational matters only and he will not have any powers to represent any matter/issue relating to staff side either in the JCM forum or with the Departmental Authorities in any manner”.
[This clause added in term of CC of A(Fys), Confdl. No 067/AN-I/JCM/VII dt 15.10.1999]
(vi) ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERALS : Assistant Secretary Generals shall deal with organisational matter and correspond with Branch Association in all matters relating to them. Assistant Secretary General –I shall maintain all the records and papers of Association, shall keep minutes of he committee meetings and conferences. He shall receive and despatch all letters, circulars etc. and be in charge of the Association’s Head Quarters office. He shall act on behalf and have the responsibilities of the Secretary General in his absence.
(vii) ZONAL SECRETARIES : Zonal Secretaries who shall be elected from amongst the primary members of Branch Association in the respective zone, shall organise Associations’ Branches in different stations and offices within their zones and shall maintain active link with all the Branch Associations of their respective zones in respect of organisational matter and problem of the Associations. Zonal Secretaries shall not deal with the departmental authorities on any matter .The Zonal Secretaries shall act on their own initiative in organizational matter but always under the general guidance and directions of the Secretary General.
Note (2) : (Rule 11(b)(vii) the entire second sentence which was replaced with the following “Zonal Secretaries may deal with the departmental authorities on any matters concerning exclusively the members of their respective zones normally in consultations with the respective Vice-President/Assistant Secretary General and bringing it to the notice of the Head Quarters immediately thereafter” has not been accepted by the Govt. Hence no change in the Rule has been made excepting the deletion of the “The Executive Committee of the “ and adding the primary members of the Branch “before the word” ‘’ Association’’ in the second line of the first sentence.)
(viii) OFFICE SECRETARY : He shall be in charge of Associations’ office, stationery equipments and its day to day office functioning.
(1) The Finance Secretary shall maintain the Cash Book and obtain voucher from Secretary General for each item of payments. He shall receive all moneys and make payments within the budget provision. He shall keep regular Receipt and Payment Accounts and get signed by the Secretary General every month. He shall get the accounts audited half yearly by the Auditor. He shall prepare a Receipts and payment Accounts for final audit and present in the Conference/Annual General Meeting. He shall also prepare a budget with the help of the Auditor in consultation with the Secretary General for presentation in the Conference/Annual General Meeting. He shall also prepare a quarterly list of subscriptions received from Branch Associations and hand over the list to the Secretary General. He shall issue pucca receipts immediately on receipt of money and shall get such receipts signed by the Secretary General before issue.
(2) In case of publication of book for SAS candidates, a separate account shall always be maintained.
(c) AUDITOR : The Auditor shall examine, check and audit all accounts, receipts, vouchers and documents of the Association. He shall submit half-yearly and Annual Report to the Committee and the Conference respectively. He shall conduct half-yearly stock verification of all movable and immovable items of the Association.
Rule 12
(a) The funds of the Association shall be raised by any or all of the following methods :
i. By subscriptions from members;
ii. By raising special contributions from members;
(b) The funds shall be utilised for the objects mentioned in Rule -4.
(c) The funds shall be deposited in Bank approved by the Committee and the account shall be operated jointly by the Secretary General and Finance Secretary.
Rule 13
(a) Executive Committee Meeting :
(i) The committee shall meet as and when required but at least once in three months to transact business according to agenda.
(ii) Fifteen days’ notice shall be necessary for Committee meeting.
(iii) Eleven members including at least one non-office bearer shall from the quorum of the Committee Meeting.
(iv) The decision shall be by majority of votes.
(v) Special Committee Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary General on his own initiative or at the written requisition by not less than Eleven menbers of the Committee including at least one non-office bearer.
(vi) The first Committee Meeting after the Conference shall be convened within a fortnight of the Conference by the President of the out going Committee. All out going office bearers shall be present in the first Committee meeting to hand over charges to the incoming office bearers.
(b) Conference/Annual General Meeting :
(i) The Conference/Annual General Meeting of the Association shall normally be held Biennially/Annually.
ii) Copies of the draft resolution that any member may like to move in the Conference/Annual General Meeting and the proposed names of the candidates for election to the Executive Committee and for election of the Office bearer and the Auditor shall have to be submitted to the Secretary General at least 15 days before the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
iii) The draft resolutions, names of the proposed candidates for election, draft amendments to the constitution of the Association if there be any and the Secretary General’s Report with Audited Accounts and Auditor’s Report shall be circulated to all the delegates attending to the Conference/Annual General Meeting by the Secretary General before the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
iv) Any amendments to the draft resolutions, to the draft amendments to the constitution of the Association if there by any will have to be submitted by the delegates to the Secretary General before the Conference/Annual General Meeting takes up the respective items of agenda. However, no amendment to the rules of the Constitution can be carried out or made effective without the approval of the Govt. (as amended vide Govt. of India, DOP&T’s No.2/5/9-JCA dt 27.07.94)
v) The conference/Annual General Meeting shall comprise of two sessions, namely Delegates Session and Open Session, Annual General Meeting/CEC meeting shall also be held every year after the end of financial year i.e. 31st March only to review and finalise Receipt and Expenditure Account of the Head Quarter Associations (as amended vide Govt. of India DOP&T’s No. 2/5/9-JCA dt 27/07/94)
vi) The number of Delegates to be sent to the Conference/Annual General Meeting by Branch Association shall be :
Two Delegates for each two hundred or less paid up members and one Delegate for further each one hundred paid-up members.
The Committee reserves the right to reduce or refuse the aforesaid number in case any Branch Association if less or no subscriptions paid by it during the financial year preceding the Conference/Annual Meeting.
The direct members of the Association may attend the Delegate Session of the Conference/Annual General Meeting as Delegates without the right to vote. All the committee Members of the Association shall be the Ex-officio Delegates to the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
vii) The names of the Delegates shall have to be submitted to the Secretary General at least 10 days before the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
viii) All deliberations, decisions, Amendments to the constitution and elections according to the agenda of the Conference/Annual general Meeting shall be concluded in the Delegate Session.
ix) Forty five days notice shall be necessary for the Conference/Annual General Meeting.
x) One-fourth of the authorized Delegates of the total nos. of Branch Associations or 30 delegates whichever is less shall form the quorum.
xi) In absence of quorum the Conference/Annual General Meeting shall be adjourned for one hour and thereafter the adjourned meeting shall proceed.
xii)The decisions shall be by majority of votes.
(c) Special Conference:
(i) The Special Conference /Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary General at the instance of the Executive Committee or on requisition in writing by atleast 1/3rd of the total member of Branch Associations or 1/3rd of the total no. of members whichever is more.
(ii) In the case of requisitioned special conference/Annual General Meeting ,the requisitionists shall specify the agendum or agenda which along shall be discussed and dicided in such Conference/Annual General Meeting.
(d) Convention :
i) As and when necessary convention may be held by the Executive Committee on its own initiative or on request/recommendations from the Branch Association if accepted.
ii) Organisational Zonal Conventions: Organisational zonal conventions in five zones viz. East zone, West zone, North zone, South zone and Central zone will be held before biennial conference. Detail programme for each convention will be decided by the executive committee. The executive committee shall have the right to modify the modalities of organizational zonal conventions.
Rule 14
All property of the Association shall belong to the Association in its corporate character and shall be held by the President and the Secretary General as Trustees.
Rule 15
The Association shall not by itself be dissolved so long as ten members agree to its continuance.
AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata
All DAD employees should raise voices around the country with your little slogan. - SK Deb Roy, ASG